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The purpose of this series of pages is to help you, the average consumer, to understand how to identify a pest problem that may exist within your home or business. Identification is the first step in proper elimination and control of that pest. Identification will lead to what the pest feeds on, where it rests or harborage sites, its reproduction needs and capabilities, its size, its mode of entry, and so forth. In essence, why the pest is becoming, or may become, a problem within your home or business. |
We will discuss several categories of pests that could become a pest problem. There will then be links to other sites that will give you more specific information concerning that pest. This site is designed to point you in the right direction. | |
All living creatures are divided into two kingdoms, plants and animals. The only plants that can become a pest problem within a structure are fungi. These are related basically to moisture problems within the structure. If you have a wood rot problem, you may want to check out Pestdude's WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS site where you will find more information on fungi.
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All other pests that we will discuss will be classified into the animal kingdom. This kingdom is divided into several categories known as Phyla. We are concerned with several of these phyla. | |
Although many people like to watch birds, they can become a pest, especially if they nest within a structure. They can also be major carriers of pests. See BIRDS for more information. |
MAMMALS (mammalia)
Mammals are animals that:
The mammals that we are concerned with are what we will categorize into two subsections:
All other rodents (such as squirrels, moles, etc.) as well as other mammals (such as bats, skunks, raccoons, etc.) can be found on the Nuisance Wildlife page. | |
ARTHROPODS (arthropodia)
Arthropods can be further divided into classes. For more on this to help refine your pest problems, go to ARTHROPOD IDENTIFICATION . | |
Other pests that may be problems tend to be reptiles and amphibians (things like snails, snakes, salamanders, etc.). Although we do not cover management of these pests, you can find out more about these animals by checking out these sites: REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS