These ants nest both inside and outside. Outside, their nests are shallow and found underneath a board or stone. Indoors, they nest between walls and under floors. Workers forage along regular trails. These ants prefer sweet foods, principally sugars, syrup, fruit juices, secretions of plants, and honeydew. The odorous house ants tend to enter structures late in the year when honeydew, one of their primary foods, is less abundant.

Control and Prevention

Because of this species preference to sugars and sugar-like foods, the use of baits works very well. The problems most people have with this method are two-fold. First, they do not tend to use enough bait station. Bait stations should be placed throughout the kitchen, bathrooms, and other rooms where there is food sources or water sources or where the ants have been seen. Be careful to note the expiration time for the baits (this is usually 30 days). After the expiration time, the bait stations should be removed and replaced, if needed. The second thing that most people do not do is to make sure other food sources are removed. Sanitation is an important key. These ants use regular trail back and forth to their food source. If their current food source is not removed, they will not find the baits as fast because they will continue to feed on their current source. Generally, putting the jellies, syrups, and the like in the refrigerator as well as cleaning food preparation areas and immediately cleaning food spillage will suffice.
Application of a liquid pesticide barrier around the foundation may also help prevent these insects from entering the structure. If, however, all efforts have failed, you should then consider hiring a pest management professional.

If you have any questions, please ask Pestdude!

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